
Sunday 3 March 2013

Looking Back/Looking Forward

I have woefully neglected this blog.

Life has taken over and food life has taken second place unfortunately.

Well that is not true actually... i have been cooking alot, and trying new foods and restaurants but I just have not been able to get it down on paper.

Now  I feel that maybe, just maybe there is a new lease of life in this blog and I can get back to writing about what I truly love..  I think I might be catching up on all the recipes I have been trying and reporting back on the success/failure - look  out for my sea bream with elderflower sauce and marscapone. I will be writing about the whole new world of raw vegan food with an Asian twist - raw vegan pad thai anyone? My discovery of fermentation will be uncovered and last but not least my experiments in tofu.

Writing this I realize that my discoveries in food mostly rely on other food blogs and the wonderful band of people who equally share there passion for food and cooking and then want to talk about it.  I read about a new food trend, or new restaurant that has opened and want to try it! What do I do? I run to the internet and look up the new cuisine... has anyone tried to re-create dishes from the restaurants they have been to? Are there any people out there who want to share there native cuisine?  So I am indebted to them... they have kept their passion alive for food and managed to re-ignite mine enough to start writing about it again!

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